Paranormal or Mind-Tricks

How many of you can visit a place and feel the strangeness of your surroundings? I remembered when I was on tour with my university’s acapella choir. We had different assigned places to stay. It was the first time I felt we, my assigned partner, were in an unsafe place. We only stayed there over night, but I remember my roommate turning to me and saying, “Were you feeling what I felt?” Then it was clear, that we both felt this ominous, dark cloud that seem to linger over the room. We didn’t ask our sponsor about it, but had we stayed longer, I probably would have.

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About Me

A native of Texas, Mary Diggs is a Christian, a wife, a mother, and holder of Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Vocal music with emphasis in art from Prairie View A&M University, and taught music, elementary art, and theatre arts in public school for years before retiring.