In Respect For Our 41st President

After witnessing the farewell ceremonies for our 41st President, I write in Respect of President George H. W. Bush,  who lived such a fulfilled life. His life reminded me of a poem that speaks to a well-lived, respectable and honorable man, a man who loved his God, his family. his friends and his country, who, though he walked with kings, he showed respect to all. The end of William Cullen Bryant’s poem, “Thanatopsis” says, “. . . So live, that when thy summons

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Something Paranormal

There is the paranormal part of Spirit Keeper, Book I, called “Identity.” In it we learn about the characters’ identities and prepare to solve the mystery of a murdered soul. I love how God works in the Bible, which transforms into our lives; His wonders to perform. I love how His angels do His bidding, appearing to announce the good news, or fighting against evil, victoriously for His righteousness or protecting His children. Though the Bible doesn’t give credence to the

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Are Believers Free From Catastrophe?

No. Though my heroine, hero and me were believers, we still had to go through the pain and anguish of being bullied. Each of us prayed in our own way, and just when we were about to give up, our prayers were answered. Our catastrophes ended when one person intervened. There’s a saying that says, “God is always on time.” We ask ourselves, why? Is it because we didn’t act the way they wanted us to? Or maybe it is

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About Me

A native of Texas, Mary Diggs is a Christian, a wife, a mother, and holder of Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Vocal music with emphasis in art from Prairie View A&M University, and taught music, elementary art, and theatre arts in public school for years before retiring.