Outrunning the Moon

Acrylic paint on 16×20 canvas panel

Staying ahead of negativity is like “Outrunning the Moon.” It’s always there and it will find you. So, it is with negativity. It’s always there. When someone speaks negatively about someone in your presence, should you join in? Or should you say something to change the subject? Even when you find that you are the main subject, do you fight back with negative words? Or do you treat them with kindness? You can take your power back with kindness and control the situation with a smile and speak as you walk on by. Do this, and you will outrun the moon. Change your perspective and think positive. Matthew 5:5 says, “Blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth.” In other words, you show self-control and regain peace of mind.

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About Me

A native of Texas, Mary Diggs is a Christian, a wife, a mother, and holder of Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Vocal music with emphasis in art from Prairie View A&M University, and taught music, elementary art, and theatre arts in public school for years before retiring.