Uncover the Real You

Acrylic paint on 16×20 canvas panel 

Taken from “Spirit Keeper: Identity,” this illustration pictures Abby sitting on the steps of an unfinished mansion as the wind lifts her hair uncovering her facial port wine stain, which she calls, “the mark of Cain.”  For so long, she thinks her hair, her security locks, hides her hideous mark from the world, but she’s wrong. Her hair only hides the birthmark from herself.  We try to mask our flaws, our feelings, and our fears from the people around us. I find that it’s better to just be who you are and speak to the issues up front. We all have flaws, fears and have feelings of pain. It helps if we learn to face our fears and accept our flaws. Sometimes, accepting that you’re afraid and that you are flawed, eliminates the emotional pain.

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About Me

A native of Texas, Mary Diggs is a Christian, a wife, a mother, and holder of Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Vocal music with emphasis in art from Prairie View A&M University, and taught music, elementary art, and theatre arts in public school for years before retiring.