
Hello Visitors and Friends,

I’m excited to welcome you to Mary Diggs Writes, where I’ll be writing my innermost thoughts, aspirations, and dreams, in hopes of inspiring or helping you to be the best you can be. Besides conveying the essence of my novel in the making, it’s my intention to be a listening ear to those who have suffered from being victimized by bullying. By sharing my painful past alone with those who wish to share their encounters, maybe together, we can help inspire someone who’s being bullied to know that they are not alone. Maybe we can be an encouragement to them to seek help before becoming a statistic of suicide. I’m no expert. But maybe I can point someone in the right direction.

I know that there is strength in numbers so you are welcome to join me and share in my passion and maybe you’ll find or enhance your passion, too.

Passionately yours,

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About Me

A native of Texas, Mary Diggs is a Christian, a wife, a mother, and holder of Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Vocal music with emphasis in art from Prairie View A&M University, and taught music, elementary art, and theatre arts in public school for years before retiring.